Youth RESOLVE 2 is the continuation of a project funded by the European Union, and carried out by World Vision, UTOPIA, DPNA and GAME. The goal of the consortium is to empower youth by providing them with the tools to become leading actors in their communities.
Aim of the Project:
To strengthen social stability among youth by empowering them to become leading actors in their communities. This is pursued through two specific objectives: SO1, Refugees and host communities youth interact for the benefit of their communities and SO2, Municipal/community decision makers implement refugee and host community youth-led propositions for change.
Expected Results:
Youth RESOLVE will work towards equipping communities with knowledge and capacity in order to support collaboration between young host communities and refugees. Moreover, the project will enable youth to engage on local-level advocacy, addressing issues expressed by children, youth and communities. In doing so, youth will have access to national forums and be enabled to voice these issues, place propositions and influence decision-makers and stakeholders.